Malta's Foremost Florists

Valentine's Day 14th February!


BouquetsValentine's Day


Flowers & Plants

Elegant Bouquets

Discover our elegant bouquet collection, a stunning tribute to over a 100 years in the floral industry.

Fresh Plants

Fresh and healthy plants to bring life to any environment including offices & homes.

Featured Categories

popular choices amongst our esteemed clientele


Sweets & Treats

Wines & Spirits

Our Story

Established for over 120 years, the name LEWIS MICALLEF CO. LTD, or Il-Qronfla, as it is better known today, carries with it the trademarks of history and quality.

As part of the Interflora network, we import freshly cut flowers and plants from the best markets in Holland on a weekly basis. Together with our fresh supply of flowers, we also import dried and silk flowers and plants, interior decorations, garden furniture and other floral sundries. We pour our energy and creativity into our flower arrangements, which have earned the company its reputation for excellence. Having once had the privilege of being the sole suppliers of flowers to Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II during her stay in Malta, the company has today widened its web of services.

Il-Qronfla caters for weddings, funerals, and any other function where flowers are required. Il- Qronfla is also the principal supplier of fresh flowers to Malta’s luxury hotels, including The Corinthia Group of Hotels, Island Hotels, Radisson, Intercontinental, Starwood, Excelsior, Phoenicia, and the Hilton.

Why Choose Us

Years of Experience

After being in the industry for over a hundred years, we have picked up a thing or two! Our florists are all expertly trained to ensure you get the best possible bouquets every time.

Fresh Imports Daily

Our flowers are imported daily from high quality suppliers. This ensures premium quality flowers and bouquet longevity.

We Deliver

Want to avoid parking hassle? Simply order your items online and one of our beloved delivery men will bring the flowers right to your door. We deliver all over Malta and Gozo!

Get a Wedding Quote

Getting ready for your special day? Just Imagine all the beautiful decor, the venue glistening with flowers and decor Just for you! We can do it, and do it well.

5 + 14 =

Christmas Shop

Every year, we do our upmost to bring you the best Christmas decorations possible. We put effort into making our shops a hub for Christmas Spirit in the hope of bringing more joy to the holiday season. Our trees have decorated the halls of many large events, hotels and the lovely homes of our clientele.








Visit Us

253 Main Street Balzan

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(+356) 21 442 600

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Follow our Blog

During the year, we often come across interesting articles, new trends and bits of information we find interesting. You can follow along with us on our blog where we share these articles and more.

The Nativity and Maltese Traditions

The Nativity and Maltese Traditions

Starting to decorate your home for Christmas, can take two ways. Here we talk about one way: through the religious aspect of Christmas and we also read about traditions in Malta around this particular season

Christmas cheer anyone?!

Christmas cheer anyone?!

Creating Christmas Cheer is difficult this year. Qronfla team are here to help decorate your loved areas

The “WOW” factor in a Christmas Wedding

The “WOW” factor in a Christmas Wedding

If you went through my first blog on the pros and cons of a Christmas wedding, and you still feel that a Christmas wedding would be the best for you, then this blog will help you just that little bit more to narrow down your ideas. One thing you must do before reading...

Pros and Cons of a Christmas Wedding

Pros and Cons of a Christmas Wedding

Christmas Season creates magic and which couple doesn’t want magic for their special day? Some say Christmas Season is the most wonderful time of the year and if that is you then there is no doubt a Christmas wedding would definitely suit you. Choosing your wedding...

The Gratitude Tree

The Gratitude Tree

Il-Qronfla offer various ways to create a Christmas to remember. This activity is fun and brings the real Spirit of Christmas to your home.