Bouquet of Rainbow Roses

Inc Vat

Show that special someone your love with a uniquely beautiful bouquet of rainbow roses. Crafted to perfection and featuring the colors of the rainbow, these roses are truly one of a kind. The flowers are delivered expertly arranged beforehand and wrapped. Upon delivery, remove the flowers from wrap, trim ends of stems and place in a vase with fresh water and a flower food packet (sold separately). Flower Freshness Guaranteed

• Long Stem Rainbow Roses
• Freshness Guarantee
• Personalized Card Message
• Delivered anywhere in Malta and Gozo

*vase not included
*products may differ from images subject to availability

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Show that special someone your love with a uniquely beautiful bouquet of rainbow roses. Crafted to perfection and featuring the colors of the rainbow, these roses are truly one of a kind. The flowers are delivered expertly arranged beforehand and wrapped. Upon delivery, remove the flowers from wrap, trim ends of stems and place in a vase with fresh water and a flower food packet (sold separately). Flower Freshness Guaranteed Includes: • Long Stem Rainbow Roses • Freshness Guarantee • Personalized Card Message • Delivered anywhere in Malta and Gozo *vase not included *products may differ from images subject to availability