What are indoor plants?

Indoor plants are plants that can survive in an indoor environment. There are a variety of tropical plants, like palms, that thrive indoors and bring new life into homes.


What makes for a good indoor plant?

There are several qualities to look for when selecting an indoor plant.

  1. A good root system – While this might not be the easiest way to check, one of the strongest signs of a healthy plant are strong healthy roots. Healthy roots are thick and light in colour.

  2. Foliage- A good way to check a healthy plant is by looking at the foliage. If you can’t see through it, the foliage is thick enough.

  3. Checking for plant disease – Some signs of a sick plant are white dots, sticky residue on the leaves or a bad odour.

How much light do indoor plants needIs Light Through A Window Considered Direct Sunlight? - Smart ...

Typically, succulents and cacti need continuous, daily sunlight. Plants with foliage require around 8 hours of light per day. This can vary for each plant depending on its preference, so we suggest doing research on the specific plants you are growing.

However here are some tips to keep in mind: If your plant is not getting enough light, the most common sign is the yellowing of leaves, slower or stunted leaf growth, elongated stems, and a dull-green colour. If your plant is getting too much light, then the leaves can have singed tips, burned patches, or will be falling off.


Which indoor plants require low light?

Indoor plants that need little light can be a good fit for rooms where there is no direct sunlight or lights are dim. Some plants that require low light are:

  • Philodendron – A very common household plant that rarely attracts pests. A strong plant that can adapt to various environments

  • Devil’s Ivy- A colourful plant with vibrant leaves. This plant can thrive in a variety of environments, capable of adapting in low light or in bright, indirect light.

  • Dracaena– Another popular indoor plant with long green leaves. This is one indoor plant you will want to prune if foliage gets too long.

  • Peace Lily- A plant that is happiest when the soil is moist, but not overwatered. If you want your peace lily to have flowers, move it to a darker room.

How do I know when to water my indoor plant?

Over-watering is a common mistake, and you will want to check if a plant actually requires water now or if you should wait until later. Here are some ways to see if it’s time to water:


Hand With Water Can Watering Indoor Plants On Windowsill Stock ...

  • Lift the plant –  Heaviness signifies the plant has enough water, but lightness means the plant is dry.

  • Wilting –  If a plant is wilting, it can be a sign that it is not getting sufficient water.

  • Tipping – If the leaf edges begin browning and are crispy to the touch, the plant likely needs more water. If the leaf edges are becoming brown but feel mushy, the plant has likely gotten too much water.

  • Yellow Leaves – Yellowing foliage may also show that a plant has too much or too little water, but this is not always the case.

While watering amounts can vary depending on the season, you should check potted plants daily if in warm, dry conditions. Usually when the first inch or so of soil is dry, it’s a good indication that watering is needed.


How do you care for indoor plants?

Some tips that will help you care for indoor plants:

  • Keep the pot soil moist – It’s important to make sure soil is not too wet nor too dry. You definitely should not have soil dry and cracking or drowning in water.

  • Make sure the plant pot has drainage holes at the bottom to rid excess water

  • Place your plant near a light source, whether it’s natural or artificial.

  • Determine what species of plant you have so you can care for it more accurately.

What are some of the common reasons indoor plants die?

The most common reasons plants die are:

  • Overwatering or underwatering

  • Light Levels (either not enough light or too much light)

  • Neglect

Remember that plants are a living thing, they require care and attention if you want them to grow healthily.


How long do indoor plants typically live?

Typically, indoor plants will last between 2-5 years. After that, most plants stop thriving and it’s best to start looking for another plant.

Which interior plants improve air quality the most?

While all plants can act as air purifiers there are specific plants that are known for their purifying qualities. For more information on plants that improve air quality and freshness, you can find another blog post here.

Many people are often surprised on how beneficial indoor plants are. Not only do plants clean the air, but they also reduce noise levels and stress in the workplace. 


Which plant fertilizer should I use?

Indoor plants need less fertilizer than outside plants, so ensure you use the rate specified for indoor plants. Look for a fertilizer specific for indoor plants. If you’re getting fertilizer for blooming plants, look for a fertilizer labeled with the type of plant (orchids, for example) – but if it isn’t clear which one you should pick, it’s fine to use regular houseplant fertilizer.



How can I get rid of bugs on indoor plantsSpraying Of Indoor Plants. Green Plants On The Windowsill. Stock ...

Bugs on your indoor plants can be really annoying! If you spot pests, you may need to purchase an insecticidal soap, usually contained in a spray bottle. When you notice bugs, spray the entire plant – The stem along with both the undersides and top of the leaves. Wait for about two weeks and repeat the spraying. Then, wait two more weeks and repeat the process.

You will want to spray a total of three times as the spray will usually not eliminate eggs which can hatch. If your plant is dealing with severe infestation and you are unable to eradicate the pests, throw out the plant to avoid contaminating other plants. 



Which indoor plants are the easiest to take care of?

Below is a list of indoor plants that are easy to take care of:

  • Sansevieria

  • Philodendron

  • Most succulents

  • Devil’s Ivy

  • Zamioculcas

Any plants that require a low amount of light and water to thrive are typically known as indoor plants. When in doubt, always ask and research to avoid dying plants.